Saturday, February 11, 2012

She's Gone Country

There's no doubt that our house is in the country.  Flocks of deer use our backyard as a place to bed down for the night all the time.  There's something very serene about looking out your back window and seeing these huge animals right on the other side of the glass.  Its quickly become second nature to check for deer before we let Shadow outside.  I've been trying to snap some pictures of our visitors but they usually visit after the sun's gone down.  The top picture was taken from inside our dining room through the sliding glass doors.  They like to sleep curled up under the pine trees in the yard.
The fuzziness of taking pictures through glass was annoying me, so I headed outside (veeerrrrryyyy slowly) and got a couple shots from the driveway looking into the back yard.  
Ever get the feeling that you're being watched?  Shortly after this, the deer on the left stood up and they all headed for quieter back yards.  Ones without crazy ladies in sweatpants snapping pictures of them.
I did manage to capture to ever elusive Shadow-Cannis Familiaris.  This rare breed can be identified by its pointy ears and tendency to jump in and out of photo frames.

Not ten minutes after I came inside with my camera, shivering from the cold and headed up to the cozy office to write this post, my hunny has informed me that the deer are back.  They are taunting me....


Pubbler said...

Awww so cute. We don't live in the country but we have a huge property & get deer all the time. They've come really close to our house & they are just beautiful. We've even had baby foxes living in our backyard before. Thanx for sharing your pics. I <3 deer

mb said...

i would like them a lot more without the ticks...

frugalsuz said...

I've seen a fox in the neighborhood too! Maybe I'll get lucky and see some babies.

You and me both!