Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Know I Said I Wouldn't Do This...

...but I had $17 in RiteAid gift cards burnin' a hole in my pocket and this seemed like a great way to use them up.
  • 4 John Frieda shampoos/conditioners/stylers $5 each, used four $2 coupons (4/5 SS) and will get back $10 (SCR #81, WYB $20 worth) = $2 or $0.50 each
  • Blink Tears (15 ml) $7.99, used $1 coupon (3/1 RP - there are also $2 coupons in this insert but I used them up at Walgreens a while back) and will get back $7.99 (SCR #31) = $1 profit
  • 3 Barilla pastas $0.99 each
  • Used $5 off $25 coupon, $6.85 on one gift card, $10 on another, $1.51 cash
I counted the gift cards as coupons in my calculations since it didn't cost me anything to earn them. They were a pure profit. So, overall my profit for this transaction was $16.48.


Lisa B. said...

Love the Barilla pastas. Great job, I wish we had Rite Aids here.

frugalsuz said...

Thanks! A lot of RiteAids are closing their stores, so you're not really missing much unfortunately.

American Dreamer said...

Hi frugalsuz,

My sister told me their RietAid is closing in NY too. Are they being bought out by someone else?

Love the way you got rid of those giftcards. I hate hanging onto them for very long also.

Precious who is hoping for a great Pasta sale!

frugalsuz said...

I don't know what's going on with Rite Aid. I've heard that many locations around the country are being closed, so maybe they'll just do a restructuring. Who knows!