Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Zip-Tastic Day

I was downright cranky today. I'm almost always in a lousy mood on Mondays, but it carried over into Tuesday this week. I have to work 10 hours days this week to cover the shift of one of my coworkers, which makes for a very long day. Earlier this morning, a student came into my office and started rifling through a metal inbox on my desk. I asked him what in the heck he thought he was doing and he responded by saying he was looking for something to write on. Seriously? I flipped over the paper he'd brought in with him and told him to go to town. Then he grabbed some papers on my desk to look at them. I said, "excuse me! Those are mine" and took them back. Unbelievable. Then as I was heading back from lunch and sitting in traffic, a guy in a motorcycle zipped in between the lanes and pulled up ahead of me to be the first one through the light. I honked at him and he just waved the peace sign at me. Sometimes I just don't understand people!
Anyway, on to something that always makes me happy. Shopping!

  • 6 Ziploc Bags $1.50 each, used four $0.55 coupons (7/25 SS) and one $1.50 off 2 coupon and got back $5 catalina and cat for FREE reusable bag (WYB 5) = $1.90 profit
  • Thomas English Muffins $1.99
  • Used $5 catalina and got $0.05 bag discount, total was $0.52

Another store, I did two more trips at self checkout. How much do I love self checkout? THIS MUCH!

  • 6 Ziploc Bags $1.50 each, used four $0.55 coupons (7/25 SS) and one $1.50 off 2 coupon and got back $5 catalina and cat for FREE reusable bag (WYB 5) = $1.90 profit
  • Baby Carrots $1.50
  • Colonna Parmesan Cheese $0.99
  • Used $5 catalina, total was $1.07

Even without the $1.50 off 2 coupon, you can buy five boxes and still make the same profit:

  • 5 Ziploc Bags $1.50 each, used four $0.55 coupons (7/25 SS) and got back $5 catalina and cat for FREE reusable bag (WYB 5) = $1.90 profit
  • SR Bagels $1.99
  • Used $5 catalina, total was $1.09


American Dreamer said...

I COVET those Ziplocs. Just kidding! Enjoy your great deal!

That Girl's Deals said...

I wish we had a shop rite.. I'd stop typing and run there! Sweet deal!