Time for stockpile pictures! Its
been a while since I've posted some shots and my stockpile room is quite a bit messier than it was in July. C'est la vie.
I have a bunch of pasta sauce crouching behind the Campbells and some Crystal Lite next to the Ziplocs. I'm hoping for a good sale on CL soon, I'm getting low and I drink it almost every day.
The top shelf is a bit of a catch-all - an extra hair dryer, candles, hair stylers and sponges.
Laundry stuff, fabric sprays, mouthwash and dishwashing detergent - those all go together, right?
I love my dumpster-dived set of drawers! Its so handy. The top shelf is razors, vitamins and lotions. Shelf 2 is tamps and pantiliners and shelf 3 is cold medicine.
That plastic bag is full of loofahs. I love loofahs and the RA sale a month or so back was the first time I'd seen a freebie sale on them so I loaded up. The plastic shelves are pretty much just full of tampons. The
Busch boxes have kitty litter and trash bags in them.
Ah, my paper good table. This has definitely gotten a little out of control with the great sales lately. Behind the tissues on the left are a bunch of toilet paper and a storage box full of face wipes (Garnier, Olay, etc). Behind the napkins are paper towel rolls. The stack of diapers on the right has a whole other stack behind it and the black reusable bag is full of Tugaboos diapers. And nope, not preggers - just stocking up for some day when I might be. Diapers are pricey man!
Soda, more detergent, bottled water and plastic cups.
Poo/conditioner, more Ziplocs, toothpaste & brushes behind it and hiding behind some shampoo - a storage tote of deodorant.
DBF's shelf - razors (in the brown tote), deo, shaving cream. Tugaboos overflowing from that blue tote, my shaving creams, Dove soap, lotion and body wash.
Thank you for visiting. Come again soon!