EDIT - just re-read the SCR booklet and the rebate is for a myGrid + Power Sleeve item. Since this is a Power Clip item, I'm not sure if its the right one. I'll let you know if it clears.
Did a quick trip to Rite Aid to convert some UP's into rebate money. The $29.99 price is the regular price and the SCR is good until 9/25, so no rush to buy this item.
- Duracell myGrid Power Clip $26.99 ($29.99 reg price, 10% Wellness Discount)
- Used $5 off $25 coupon, $2 UP, $4 UP, $4 UP and $10 UP, total was $3.53
- Will get back $25 (SCR #94) = $1.47 profit

I called my sister in Virginia tonight and as I was talking to her, I was poking around in Kohl's to use a 30% coupon I got in the mail. Turns out my sister was also in Kohl's, using a 30% coupon that she got! They're also running a buy $50, get $10 Kohl's Cash deal, but I couldn't find much that I liked. I picked up this brown blazer for $24.99 - $17.49 after my coupon. I have this same blazer in another color and its so comfortable. The fabric has a bit of stretch to it, love that!
I came home to find a $10 off $10 coupon for JCPenney in the mail and a ton of rebate checks. All in all, not a bad shopping day!
Nice find! I got a 30% off Kohl's coupon too. I wonder if everyone did? I'm going there in the morning to see what I can find.
I got a $10 Kohls gift card in the mail! Heading there today to get a Christmas present out of the way!
I got a 20% for Kohl's. Also got the $10 off $10 from Penneys. That always comes in handy. Last one I got my visiting granddaughter 2 skirts with shorts under and a top and paid $2 OOP.
Kohl's is awesome, isn't it? :) Hope you're all able to find some great stuff.
How do you get 30% off from Kohls? Do you have a Kohls card? I don't & normally just get their 15% off in the mail.
In which part of the store did you find the Duracell clip? I'm going to look for one at my store too. Sent you email.
Yup, I have a Kohl's charge. I got the coupon on the front of a circular that they mailed me, and you had to use your card to get the discount. I found the Duracell with the other batteries and electrical stuff.
Thanks, I found it. Just posted another 10/$10 JCP code on the board. Go get some more super cheap shoes.
Have you tried using UP rewards towards purchase of Rite-Aid gift cards?
I've read fine print on UP and they do not exclude RA gift cards.
I'm not sure I'll be able to use all my UP rewards before 10/2 when they expire (from Nivea travel cream deal) so I was thinking that the gift card would at least extend the time that I can use the money.
Your thought are appreciated.
Michelle - from Ohio
Got another pair, loving these codes!
Technically, you're not supposed to use UP's on gift cards but I've done it and they won't beep. I have a ton of UP's expiring on 10/2 as well and I think I may do the same thing. I think I have around $30!
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