I'm sure you've noticed that lately I haven't been doing as much shopping as I've done in the past. Its mostly because of my new job, which has been totally kicking my arse! I've been working through my lunch break more days than not and staying late more days than not. By the time I leave, I'm totally exhausted and haven't really felt like doing any shopping. Plus there hasn't really been much on sale that I've wanted to buy or needed, so its been nice to take a break.
My boyfriend loves the Gilette razors that are on sale this week and my shampoo stockpile has been dwindling (I know! Shocking!), so we did some serious shopping today. It was so tiring. I'm also getting pretty sick of this coupon nonsense. My regular paper, The Star Ledger has stopped carrying the RP inserts, so I've been driving into a different county (only about 5 minutes away) to buy a paper there that carries the RP. Unfortunately, I've noticed that the coupons in this paper aren't as good as the Star Ledger coupons, so even though it has the RP, its really not worth buying. So today DBF and I tried a different paper. DBF checked one before we bought it and then we grabbed five more copies. We went out to the car to cut out the Gilette coupons from the P&G, only to discover that the paper he checked was pretty much the only one that had coupons in it. Sigh. We ended up going to CVS and buying some Star Ledgers anyway. What a hassle.

But before we get to the shopping, I
must share this picture with you. My sister, dad and I went to my grandpa's house the other night and sorted through some old photos. My sister brought along a scanner so that we could have a copy of some of the beautiful, older photos of my grandparents and every once and a while, we'd come across a gem like this one. Don't worry, I will be sharing these treasures with you in the days to come. This is me, hamming it up for the camera. You can't even see my eyes! haha And that's one of my many uncles, sporting a seriously rockin' hair-do. I love those 80's glasses.

Ok, down to business: CVS - my card
- 4 papers $2 each
- Used two $4 EB's
CVS - DBF's card
- Fall wreath (below, isn't it adorable?) $9.99
- 2 papers $2 each
- Used $3 EB and $6.99 EB, total was $4.70
Rite Aid - *Just realized the Crest rang up as $3.99 each, so I probably bought the wrong size. I'll have to do an exchange for these. I should have bought the 4 oz size.
- Crest White Plus Scope toothpaste $2.69, used $1 coupon (9/30 P&G) and will get back $2.69 (SCR #127) = $1 profit
- Oral-B Advantage or Artica Manual Toothbrush $2.69, used $1 coupon (9/30 P&G) and will get back $2.69 (SCR #120) = $1 profit
- Gillette Fusion Power or Manual Razor $9, used $4 coupon (9/27 P&G) and will get back $5 (SCR #?) = FREE
- Nivea Lip Care $2.99, used $1 coupon (8/30 RP) and will get back $2 (SCR #?) = FREE/$0.01 profit
- RA napkins for $3.99
- Used $5 off $20 coupon and $10 Rite Aid Zyrtec Rewards certificate (from previous rebate), total was $1.76, paid with RA gift card (from previous rebate)
DBF bought these same items, but instead of napkins bought 3 Pringles @ $1.50 each, total was $12.27, paid with gift card. Gift of Savings progress - not really sure to be honest, but I'm slowly getting there! I've qualified for $5 on both accounts so far.
Walgreens - had no RR's to start with, so...
- Gillette Fusion MVP Manual or Power Razor System (must be the MVP variety) $8.99, used $4 coupon (9/27 P&G) and got back $6 RR (month-long deal) = $1.01 profit
- Total was $5.62
Then DBF bought one at this same store and at the end of the day, we bought another one and just paid cash
Then at another store:
- Chapstick Fresh Effects $2.99, got back $3 RR (month-long deal) = FREE/$0.01 profit
- Herbal Essence Hair Care $2.99, used $1 coupon (8/23 or 9/13 RP) and got back $2 RR = FREE/$0.01 profit
- 3 Kit Kats/Reese's PB cups $0.49 each with in-circular coupon
- Used $6 RR from Gilette, total was $0.76
DBF and I repeated this transaction three more times (at this store and another)
At another store:
- Gillette Fusion MVP Manual or Power Razor System (must be the MVP variety) $8.99, used $4 coupon (9/27 P&G) and got back $6 RR (month-long deal) = $1.01 profit
- 2 Walgreens toilet bowl cleansers $0.39 each with in-circular coupon
- Used $3 RR (Chapstick) and $2 RR (Herbal Essence), total was $0.45
DBF repeated same transaction
At another store:
- Chapstick Fresh Effects $2.99, got back $3 RR (month-long deal) = FREE/$0.01 profit
- Halls Refresh Sugar Free Drops (20 ct) $1, used $1 coupon (9/27 SS, $0.50 coupon in 10/23 issue of All You magazine) and got back $1 RR (month-long deal) = $1 profit
- Herbal Essence Hair Care $2.99, used $1 coupon (8/23 or 9/13 RP) and got back $2 RR = FREE/$0.01 profit
- Walgreens napkins (I was totally out!) $1.79
- Used $6 RR (Gilette), total was $0.98
DBF repeated same transaction

On Saturday, DBF and I went to Rite Aid and got 6 more Reese's pb cups for free using the BOGO coupons and the BOGO sale. We also stopped by ShopRite and picked up some rainchecks for Flex-a-Min glucosamine for $5.99 a bottle (free with the $6 coupons that are always floating around). Thanks for that tip Amiyrah.